Three months ago, everything seemed just fine: Wake up at the same time, jog the same route, stop by the same coffee shop, go to the same office, lunch with the same colleagues, hear the same jokes…

It was just too fine, like Phil lives the same “Groundhog Day” again, again, and again—tomorrow never comes.

That is numbing,  that is suffocating, and that is terrifying. Others may be just fine with it. But that is killing me, bit by bit. I am just that boiling frog: unless jump out, he is cooked, slowly.

In hindsight, that frog cannot be happier about the jump. After all,

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”


[Jasper, Canada, Oct., 2015]

What I see when jogging

New Start from Newport Beach

I will be living here for the coming two years.

Moving: live in Newport Beach

The moving saga finally comes to an end. Since August 24, it took me almost almost three months to settle down in Newport beach. In fact, it only three days are needed to do the moving; much of the time is wasted in indecision.

The moral is that, again, just do it. Given your budget, pick the best you can get. Do not try to low your budget but still hope for the same quality—you are wasting your life.

Live in Newport beach